The guide describes how the education institution must document that the existing programme to be accredited lives up to the criteria. It also describes the process of applying for accreditation of existing programmes and local provision of programmes and contains a number of templates that the institution can use in its written application.
See the current guide below. Follow-up on conditional positive accreditations is based on the guide that was applicable when the case was decided. There is also a separate guide for programmes under the Danish Ministry of Culture. These guides are available in Danish here
The Accreditation Act, which came into force on 1 July 2013, created a need for a new guide to the accreditation of existing programmes at higher education institutions.
Read the guide for accreditation of existing programmes (Word)
Read the guide for accreditation of existing programmes (PDF)
In May 2016, the guide to accreditation of existing programmes and local provision of programmes was adjusted. Minor adjustments and specifications were made on the basis of experience from completed programme accreditations to harmonise and qualify the key statistics included as indicators in the accreditation process.
In application for accreditation of an existing programme, the education institution must upload its report, appendices and a cover letter via an application module. The application module gathers all files in one single PDF.
See a more detailed description of requirements for applications and appendices in the guide.

Until 2017 accreditation of existing programmes and local provision of programmes took place according to a rota plan laid down by the Accreditation Council.
From 2018 and forward an individual plan is drawn up for higher education institutions that have not yet been awarded positive institutional accreditation or commenced the process.
In addition, conditional positive programme accreditations (re-accreditations) are followed up on regularly.