– Copenhagen Business School

Council Decision

The Accreditation Council decided the institutional accreditation of Copenhagen Business School at a meeting on 11 December 2014. The council decided to give CBS a conditionally positive institutional accreditation.
Read the report and the decision here


The accreditation report for CBS is completed and published.

Read the accreditation report here

2. Site Visit

  • The second site visit:
    The accreditation panel and the accreditation team from The Danish Accreditation Institution conduct two site visits to the educational institution as a part of the institutional accreditation process. The second site visit is intended to uncover how the quality assurance system works in practice. This is done on the basis of a series of audit trails selected as continuation of the first visit to the institution.

The panel has completed its second and final visit to CBS

The Accreditation Institution and the accreditation panel visited CBS the for second time on 2-4 June  2014.  The content of the site visit was aimed at pursuing the audit trails that had been selected in connection with the first site visit. The second site visit comprised a series of meetings with relevant stakeholder groups related to specific programmes chosen by the panel and The Danish Accreditation Institution in order to shed light on the selected audit trails. The stakeholders involved were: senior management, programme directors, teachers, students and alumni from a number of selected bachelors' and masters' programmes.

The purposes of the three audit trails are described in details below:

  1. The quality assurance system in practice, including monitoring of programme quality at management level
    Teaching staff are employed by the departments, but the responsibility for quality assurance lies with the programme directors and the Dean of Education. The purpose of this audit trail is to look further into how this division of responsibility works in practice, including which standards are being used to determine whether a programme complies with the quality goals at CBS or not.
  2. Recurrent programme review
    CBS has a well-developed system for external evaluation of their degree programmes – Recurrent Program Peer Review (RPPR). The purpose of this audit trail is to examine the concept of RPPR further.
  3. Knowledge base in the degree programmes
    CBS has a history of using large numbers of external, part-time lecturers in their teaching. The purpose of this audit trail is to look at how CBS is working to ensure the quality of the teaching performed by both internal (VIP) and external lecturers (DVIP). This involves reviewing procedures and standards used to allocate teachers to courses and programmes and standards on proportions of part-time teachers involved in the programmes.

The panel’s main focus during the site visit was to understand how external lecturers are recruited and integrated into the faculty at the institution, and how the programme directors are able to monitor and improve the programmes, if the programmes are not meeting the quality standards at CBS.

The schedule for the second site visit can be found here.

1. Site Visit

  • The first site visit:
    The accreditation panel and the accreditation team from The Danish Accreditation Institution conduct two site visits to the educational institution as a part of the institutional accreditation process. The first visit is intended to address how the institution’s system and procedures for quality assurance are organised, as well as to give the institution the opportunity to elaborate on the self-evaluation report that the institution submitted at the beginning of the accreditation process.

The panel has completed its first site visit to CBS

The Danish Accreditation Institution and the accreditation panel visited CBS on 27–28 March 2014. The site visit comprised a series of meetings with relevant stakeholder groups comprising: senior management, programme directors, teachers, students and advisory boards.

The panel’s main focus was to understand, how student evaluations and other key point indicators are used to improve the programme quality.

The schedule for the first site visit can be found here.

The Panel

The accreditation panel is complete

The accreditation panel, who is to assess whether the quality assurance system of Copenhagen Business School can ensure high quality in education, is complete and ready for the institutional accreditation. CBS has had the opportunity to comment on the compostition of the panel before it was finalised.

The accreditation panel for CBS comprises:

  • Chairman: Gunnar Svedberg. Professor emeritus in Energy Technology, The Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm. Former Rector at Mid Sweden University, former Rector at the University of Gothenburg.
  • Jan Beyer Schmidt-Sørensen. PhD in Labour Economics, Director of Business Development, City of Aarhus, former Rector of Aarhus School of Business.
  • Geoffrey Wood. Professor in International Business, Associate Dean (Programme Quality) at Warwick Business School, former Director of Research at Middlesex University Business School.
  • Anne Welle-Strand. Professor in Education Management, Department of Leadership and Organisational Behaviour at BI Norwegian Business School.
  • Sidsel Gro Bang-Jensen. Full-time Master student at University of Roskilde, Student Representative on the Board of University of Roskilde.

Self-Evaluation Report

CBS forwarded its self-evaluation report in January 2014 and thus also its application for institutional accreditation.

Read the report here.

Project Leader


Deadline andn Dates

Deadline for Application/Self-Evaluation: 28-01-2014

1. Site Visit: 27-03-2014 - 28-03-2014

2. Site Visit: 02-06-2014 - 04-06-2014

Hearing, report: 10-10-2014 - 31-10-2014

Council Meeting: 11-12-2014

Copenhagen Business School

Copenhagen Business School (CBS) was founded in 1917 and is located within three campus areas in Frederiksberg (Solbjerg Plads, Porcelænshaven and Dalgas Have). The faculty at CBS is organised into 15 research departments.

The main research and education subject at CBS is business economics. Languages, sociology, psychology, anthropology, political science, law, philosophy, history and intercultural understanding within business are significant areas within the research and educational profile at CBS.

CBS’ core activities (education and research) are organised under two deans, a Dean of Research and a Dean of Education. The Dean of Education is responsible for all programmes; bachelors’ and masters’ degree programmes, MBA and diploma programmes. Each programme is managed by an academic programme director and a study board has overall responsibility for the content and quality of the programme. The study boards and the programme directors answer to the Dean of Education.

The business school has one faculty, and research is organised under departments. The departments are managed by a head of department who is answerable to the President. The educational programmes are not organised in the departments, however, the departments deliver teaching to CBS’ programmes within their area of expertise.

In 2012, Copenhagen Business School had a student population of 15,887 full time students (comprising 11% of the sector) and 4,112 part time students.

Hjemmeside: Copenhagen Business School

Sprog: The accreditation will be conducted in English