Council Decision
The Accreditation Council decided the institutional accreditation of The IT University of Copenhagen at a meeting on 11 December 2014. The council decided to give ITU a conditionally positive institutional accreditation.
Read the report and the decision here
2. Site Visit
- The second site visit:
The accreditation panel and accreditation team from The Danish Accreditation Institution conduct two site visits to the educational institution as a part of the institutional accreditation process. The second site visit is intended to uncover how the quality assurance system works in practice. This is done on the basis of a series of audit trails selected as a continuation of the first visit to the institution.
The panel has completed its second and final visit to ITU
The Accreditation Institution and the panel visited ITU for the second time on 14–16 May 2014. The visit was concentrated around four audit trails that were decided upon after the first site visit.
These are:
- Academic level, content, educational quality and quality assurance of study programmes in practice
Using the MSc in Software Development and Technology and MSc in Digital Design and Communication as examples. The purpose of the audit trail was to establish how the quality assurance system ensures that study programmes continually maintain an academic level that corresponds with the relevant descriptions in the Danish Qualifications Framework for Higher Education Programmes and how the quality assurance system works in practice with a special focus on Student Centred Learning and teaching of students with different academic backgrounds. - The use of external lecturers on all study programmes and the research base in the Master’s degree in IT Leadership and the MSc in Games
The purpose of the audit trail was to look into how the quality assurance system ensures that study programmes are linked to relevant research environments. The audit trail reviews ITU’s policy for using external lecturers and how this use is monitored in order to ensure a sufficient research base in all study programmes. - The application of management information systems at all levels of the quality-organisation
The purpose of the audit trail was to look into ITU’s system for management information relating to quality, including how the system ensures that management at all levels can take responsibility for quality assurance of all the university’s study programmes. Furthermore, the audit trail looked into which standards ITU applies in its determination of when management information, including key figures regarding employment, completion and drop-out rates, requires action. - The involvement of employers in quality assurance of all study programmes
The purpose of the audit trail was to asses to what extent external key stakeholders are continually and systematically involved in ITU’s adjustment of study programmes, including the objectives, content and learning outcomes of the programmes. Another purpose was to pinpoint how ITU ensures that the employers involved are relevant for the programmes on which they are consulted.
The second site visit comprised of a series of meetings with relevant stakeholders related to the study programmes included in the audit trails. The stakeholders involved were: top, middle and lower level management, members of the Employers’ Panel, teachers and students.
The panel’s main focus was to understand how the different elements of the quality assurance system are combined and how the system ensures the quality of the study programmes. The panel also wished to explore how ITU ensures the research base in its study programmes and how the concept of recurrent reviews of study programmes that include external experts will ensure the quality of the study programmes in the future.
The schedule for the second site visit can be found here.
1. Site Visit
- The 1st site visit:
The accreditation panel and accreditation team from The Danish Accreditation Institution conducts two site visits at the educational institution as a part of the institutional accreditation process. The first visit is designed to address how the institution's system and procedures for quality assurance is organised, as well as to give the institution the opportunity to elaborate on the self-evaluation report that the institution submits at the beginning of the accreditation process.
The panel has completed its first site visit to ITU
The Accreditation Institution and the accreditation panel visited ITU on 1–2 April 2014. The site visit comprised a series of meetings with relevant stakeholders: top and middle management, heads of programmes, heads of sections and students.
The panel’s main focus was to understand the quality assurance system and how it is anchored in the organisation.
The schedule for the first site visit can be found here.
The Panel
The accreditation panel is complete
The accreditation panel that is to assess whether the quality assurance system at the IT University (ITU) can ensure high quality in its study programmes, is complete and ready for the institutional accreditation. ITU was given the opportunity to comment on the composition of the panel.
The members of the accreditation panel for ITU are:
- Chairman: Júlio Domingos Pedrosa da Luz de Jesus, professor in Chemistry and former Vice Chancellor at the University of Aveiro in Portugal. Júlio Pedrosa has been associated with the EUA-Institutional Evaluation Programme since 2004, where he has chaired several evaluation panels.
- Fiona Crozier, director of Quality, University College Cork in Ireland. Fiona Crozier was Vice President of the European Association for Quality Assurance (ENQA) until March 2013 and has been Assistant Director for the UK Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA).
- Hans-Ulrich Heiss, professor in communication and operating systems and 2nd Vice President at Technische Universität in Berlin. Hans-Ulrich Heiss is President of the European Quality Assurance Network for Informatics Education (EQANIE) and member of the German Accreditation Commission for Quality Management Systems (ASIIN e.V.).
- Tom Togsverd, member of the Confederation of Danish Industry’s Productivity Team. Former Director General of the Federation of ICT and Electronics at the Confederation of Danish Industry.
- Kristine Bacher, student at Roskilde University (Master of geography and mathematics). Kristine Bacher has participated in evaluation panels with the EUA-Institutional Evaluation Programme and been a member of the Academic Affairs Committee in The European Students’ Union.
The IT University of Copenhagen (ITU)
The IT University of Copenhagen (ITU)
The IT University of Copenhagen (ITU) was initially established in 1999 as a free faculty at Copenhagen Business School. The free faculty was called IT-Højskolen.
It became an independent university in 2003 and changed its name to the IT University of Copenhagen.
ITU is organised as one academic department and one administrative unit. The organisational structure of ITU consists of a board of directors and the management. There are a number of administrative units and a single academic department, which consists of five research sections and a research and learning support unit.
The IT University of Copenhagen offers three bachelors’ programmes and four graduate programme as well as four part-time programmes.
In 2013 the IT University had a student population of 1,894 full time students and 644 part-time students.
Hjemmeside: The IT University of Copenhagen (ITU)
Sprog: The accreditation will be conducted in English.